Sunday, December 22, 2013


It is a strange new world in which we are living.  Certain religious points of view are now taboo for public discussion; and,  no doubt, certain philosophical and political dispositions will also soon find themselves out of bounds in our brave new politically correct world.  Accordingly, will "don't ask, don't tell" be the new watchword for Christians and others who dissent from prevailing attitudes?

I would certainly never go to a Muslim restaurant and demand that the proprietor roast my Christmas pig.  Neither would I insist that a social hall connected to a mosque host a same-sex marriage reception. Nevertheless, Muslims may be next on the gay hit-list; and, just like Christian bakers and photographers, they may be forced to do business - or else.

There was a time in the U.S. that, out of respect for one another, there were limits to expectations and demands.  In other words, people did not force themselves on one another.  We all have encountered individuals of differing views who felt compelled to speak out.  If others did not wish to hear what was being said, they could simply walk away.  Freedom in America did not include the compulsion of being exposed to ideas that did not mesh with those of another.

However, now, the effete elitists of political correctness are so determined that certain elements that were once thought to have been discriminated against should not be offended that a new totalitarianism of intolerance is in the process of being put in place to curtaiL expression.

If an idea offends you, don't quash it.  If the offense is so great that it causes pain, simply do not expose yourself to it.  But, if the idea is such that you would wish to debate it in civil discourse, then, by all means, feel free to do so.  After all, this is America, a place whose citizens have taken pride in the concept of free speech.  Hopefully, civil discourse is still an option in our land.

Will we soon be a land where ideas thought to be politically incorrect must be confined to sanctuaries of worship?  Will we allow minorities to silence and censor ideas of the majority?  Will Americans fear the consequences of answering when they are asked about their beliefs?

Although my own personal views might not be in accord with those of Phil Robertson, I certainly feel that he should be free to express himself, no matter how offensive I might find his words.  As Voltaire felt strongly that he might be opposed to the views of another person but  would fight so that the person would be free to state what he wished, so feel I that Americans who value freedom should not allow the right of expression to wither away in this country.  However, I am somewhat dubious that the shrill voices of thought control have ever heard of Voltaire and might, also, be somewhat in the dark as far as the 1st Amendment is concerned.

Deo Vindice!

God bless Texas, and may the Lone Star State remain forever red!

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