Saturday, February 8, 2014


In a time of increasing violence throughout the world, our pathetic diplomats seem to spend their nonsensical time on such red herrings as championing the notorious Russian rock group "Pussy Riot," which is best known for its invasion of Moscow's Cathedral of the Holy Savior.  While U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power recently praised the group, America's standing in the world continued to plummet, and savagery against innocent parties throughout the world continued unabated.

When questioned by the Mad Hatter as to her view of his sanity and if he had become mad, Alice replied, "I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you  a secret.  All the best people are."  Accordingly, one can't help but think that all the "best people" in the administration in power in Washington are somewhat bonkers. And the bonkering extends all the way from the top.  When the Mad Hatter expressed to the queen that she had an extraordinarily large head and that he might like to make an effort to hat it, it calls to mind the extraordinarily large head which now calls the politically correct shots that make our foreign policy the world's laughing stock.  How embarrassing it is that now this country's ambassadors are appointed to posts in countries in which they have never set foot, as revealed in recent congressional hearings on the appointment to Argentina, and have little to no background in the host country's language, culture or history.

While much consideration is given to the likes of Pussy Riot and immigration policies are twisted to allow individuals with "limited" terrorist ties to enter America, little to nothing is heard from those who represent us on the international front about the geometrical increase in the persecution and killing of Christians throughout the world.  Over the past year, the numbers of Christians who have been martyred for their faith has at least doubled, to 2,200, while some authorities would place the total much higher, at perhaps 8,000.  We will never hear anyone from the Department of State holding forth on this subject, but it must be remembered that Christians and martyrs are not high on the list of politically correct topics in 21st century America.

Most of the martyrdoms, of course, are the result of the unrestrained brutality of extreme Islam, and we should not be surprised by that.  Despite politically correct goobledygook to the effect that Islam is a religion of peace, the word has not gone out to the thugs doing the persecuting in places like Egypt, Pakistan and Syria.  Looked at historically, these extremists are simply carrying on in the 7th century tradition of spreading the faith by the sword.

At home, meanwhile, the administration continues its efforts to foist elements of its health care program not considered compatible with the faith of Catholics and fundamentalist Christians on believers.  Is there not some sort of dichotomy here?  Is it not surprising that many are beginning to feel as though the  politically correct mindset in Washington has gotten things out of whack?  Just as unrestrained Islamic extremism has caused the deaths of thousands of Christians abroad, so, too, would the perpetrators look forward to like slaughter in the U.S.  Is there not something pathetically wrong with an administration that will not even tell the truth about forces committed to our demise?

Deo Vindice!

May God bless Texas, and may the Lone Star State remain forever red!

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