Wednesday, January 7, 2015


This morning's photographs from Paris graphically illustrated the essence of Islam, a 15th century system of thought control which seeks to determine every action of its adherents' lives, leaving absolutely no room for individuality or freedom of expression.

That a satirical newspaper in a Western democracy was attacked and eleven journalists and two gendarmes were killed is unacceptable under any circumstances.  To say that the attackers were merely extremists entirely misses the point, for a mere cursory reading of the Koran reveals that Islam is a so-called religion which exhorts violence against those who are not in agreement with its aims and aspirations.

From the vantage point this side of the Atlantic, it is apparent that Europe has opted for mass suicide by admitting millions of Muslims, the vast majority of whom have no understanding or appreciation of the societies that have developed from Western civilization that have chosen to allow them entry into their midst. It is nothing short of unbelievable that 14% of French citizens now consider themselves adherents of Islam.  And, in neighboring Belgium, the most popular name chosen for baby boys is Mohamed.

As a Christian, I am appalled by journalism or cartoons that lampoon Christ; however, as an American who takes the First Amendment seriously, I realize that such an possibility is the price of living in a free society.  For Muslims, there is no corresponding support for freedom of expression.  

During the six years in which I lived in a Muslim country, censorship was the name of the game.  Whenever the opportunity presented itself, Bibles were confiscated and Western magazines that came into the country were heavily censored, with pages ripped from their bindings and any pictures deemed blasphemous blotted out.  Foreign Christians who were apprehended worshiping together were expelled, and Muslims who converted to Christianity were executed.

A conservative estimate would have it that there are at least 300 million Muslims out of a world total of 1.5 billion who would like nothing better than to see Islam victorious in Europe and North America.  That would amount to a far greater population than that of the Axis nations during World War II and would approximate the numbers of Russians and satellite peoples controlled by the USSR during the Cold War.

It is time to wake up from the multicultural and politically correct pipe-dream that all peoples and cultures are equal and may be assimilated into Western democracies.  Would we have allowed Nazis to purvey their poison openly in America during World War II?  And yet, in 21st century America, we refuse to see that Islam is at war against us.  I cringe when I consider that probably tomorrow left-wing journalists and assorted talking heads will blame Charlie Hebdo for the massacre that decimated its staff and took the lives of two gendarmes.  After all, they maligned the prophet and his bogus religion.

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