Friday, July 15, 2016


Prepare for them whatever force and cavalry ye are able to gather to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah and your enemies.

Therefore, when ye meet the unbelievers, smite at their necks and when ye have caused
a bloodbath among them,  bind a bond strongly on them.

I awoke this morning with news of yet another Muslim atrocity, this one in Nice, where hundreds of individuals had gathered to watch fireworks to conclude the celebration of Bastille Day.  More than 80 persons were killed and many injured as a result of  the nefarious act of a radical Islamist slamming a transport truck like a bowling ball into a crowd of defenseless people.

The regularity of viewing flags at half-mast has resulted in a kind of  flabby acceptance that merely assumes that Western society is fated to experience more and more of the barbarity and evil of Islamic radicalism. For decades, such attacks have been commonplace in Israel.  Now, with 54 million Muslims living in Europe and more and more extremists being admitted into America,  are we simply to accept such events as part of the routine of life, events that we must live with?  Will 9/11 be absorbed into so many other dates of viciousness and murder that it loses its significance and becomes just another day of Islamic excess?  How much more of this sort of savagery will we witness?  Will the bombings of the undergrounds in London and Madrid be forgotten?  How many more San Bernardinos, Orlandos, and Chattanoogas will plague us?

I have time and again reiterated that Islam is now in its 15th century of existence.  It has never experienced anything resembling a Western Reformation or Enlightenment. Consequently, of the 1.6 billion or so Muslims in the world, millions are operating with a 15th century mindset and choose to literally accept the violent admonitions of their prophet, such as those featured in the header for this article.  And, unfortunately, the feeble leadership that characterizes Western society chooses in the name of "progressivism" to allow the Trojan horse of Islamic extremism to be erected in our midst, allowing Islamic butchers to exact their gory levies on innocent people.

In our own country, each horror is met with calls from Washington for investigations which, more often than not, conclude that our racist, bigoted society is to  blame for alienating the Muslim perpetrators.  And then too, while we are at it, let's also blame law-abiding, legitimate gun owners! I'm sorry, dear readers, but did we choose to investigate Pearl Harbor?  How about Nazi atrocities? Did we seek to understand the barbarian minds that brought us Treblinka and Auschwitz? No, we did not.  We set out to destroy the evil, and that is what we should be doing now!

I am also tired of the mental midgets who constantly proclaim that to adequately vet Muslims coming into our country would be a constitutional violation of the first order.  For crying out loud, the guarantees of our constitution pertain to citizens and non-citizens residing legally in the United States!  All others have no legitimate claim on guarantees such as those of the 1st Amendment.  During the World War II era, I don't recall that there was a great ruckus raised over any prohibitions on Nazis entering the country.  And face it, dear readers, Islam is not merely a religion, it is also an ideology which dictates to its adherents literally everything they should do on a daily basis, including personal hygiene, how to have sex, how to order economic activities, how to eat, how to be governed, etc.  In effect, it is a system of mind control as expounded in Shariah law.  In this regard, a recent Center for Security Policy poll showing that 51% of American Muslims prefer Shariah law should give us some pause for reflection.

Those who espouse radical Islam may be our enemies, but our greatest enemies are those who occupy the highest levels of leadership in the Western world and refuse to use common sense in recognizing the growing peril to which they expose us and continue to reject any and all appeals to the contrary. Yes, gentle readers, I am so terribly tired of this rubbish. And I know that you must be, too!

Deo Vindice!

John B. is a former dean, instructor and provost in higher education.  Now retired, he lives in Brownsville Texas and San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, where he lectures on Mexican history, politics and culture.  Six years of his career were spent in the Middle East, where he personally witnessed the excesses of an Islamic monarchy.

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