During my time on the Arabian Peninsula, I gradually learned rudimentary Arabic. Finally, after two years, I began to understand the shouting emanating out of the speaker systems attached to the minarets on Riyadh mosques. My epiphany occurred one Friday morning while walking by a mosque, when I comprehended the spoken Arabic blasting the airwaves with a sheikh's sermon. Essentially, what was being said was that Muslims must eventually drive Christians and Jews into the sea. As I pondered those words for the rest of the day, I began to think about the development of civilizations and the timelines involved. And, in a flash of insight, I remembered that the Islamic calendar was in its 15th century. With that in mind, I recalled what excesses and barbarities had taken place in my own Western Civilization during its 15th century. Islam had not experienced a Renaissance, a Reformation, or an Enlightenment. It was stuck in the 15th century, and Riyadh might as well be Calvin's Geneva. In other words, all the "political correctness" and diversity consciousness in the world would ever substitute for centuries of societal and historical development.
No, dear readers, unlike the "Kumbayah" policies so in vogue on the left, Islam must be faced with a strong dose of reality. With probably 10% of Muslims in the world supporting radical Islam, we are confronting more than 150 million believers who would like nothing better than to see our nation succumb to terrorism and a diminished role in world affairs. As for the majority of Muslims living in the United States, we rarely hear them speak out with condemnations of their radical brethren, probably owing to their widespread fear of retaliation.
With an administration that is even reluctant to utter the word "terrorism," we are doing nothing but handicapping ourselves and foolishly supporting policies that make it more difficult to protect Americans. Pat Buchannan's 2010 bestseller was entitled "Suicide of a Super-Power." From all appearances, our cultural suicide continues unabated. Wake up, America!
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