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If our president is not aware that black Americans constitute 13% of the population but account for 35% of welfare recipients and 37% of the prison population, then he did not learn very much as a "community organizer." With 1 in 15 black males experiencing jail time, they far outstrip any other group with this dubious distinction. Only 29% of black women are married and nearly 75% of their births are illegitimate. Compounding matters are presidential economic policies which result in a 50% summer unemployment rate for black teenagers. In short, Mr. President, black America represents nothing short of a national tragedy. If there are any leaders left in the black community, why are they not leading a movement to regenerate that community? And to spew forth verbiage which does nothing but perpetuate a permanent self-view of victimization is certainly no way to raise self-esteem!
Why do you and Mr. Holder spend so much time on the issue of white-on-black violence, when, in comparison with black-on-black violence, it is virtually negligible? Why is Mr. Zimmerman made out to be a "white-Hispanic" when he is an Hispanic of mixed heritage? It is all too apparent, Mr. President, that you and the Holders, Jacksons, and Sharptons of this world would much rather expend energy in whipping up the racial resentments of the mob than to deal with the reality that black America is in terrible shape. No, the answer does not lie with more handouts and more dependency, for, at no time in history, have there been more opportunities for assistance for the less fortunate. If black America is to save itself, it must be from within. And that might include the jettisoning of the rapper/thug culture, which fosters disrespect for women and a macho code of violence that decimates neighborhoods of the inner-cities.
While living in New York, my Latina wife would consistently cross the street when she saw young black males headed her way on the sidewalk. Was this racism on her part? No, not at all. She was simply processing statistics which indicate that there are certain groups that are prone to violence in a ratio disproportionate to their numbers. And, as long as that disjointed ratio exists, black America will continue to segregate itself with a ghetto mentality.
This is 2013. George Wallace and Bull Connor are figures from the distant past of more than a half-century ago. America is far from being the most racist country in the world, and one does not have to travel far to test the veracity of that statement. The time for whining and constantly beating the racist drum is also past. Now is the time for tough love. However, I fear there are few, if any, black leaders with the intestinal fortitude to tell the story like it is.
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