Saturday, August 31, 2013


From the pages of National Review, August 5, 2013:

"A magician who uses a rabbit in his act got an eight-page letter from the USDA (with the folksy salutation 'Dear Members of Our Regulated Community') demanding, as the magician told blogger Bob McCarty, 'a written disaster plan detailing all the steps I would take to help get my rabbit through a disaster, such as a tornado, fire, flood, etc....[and] what I will do after the disaster, to make sure my rabbit gets cared for properly.'  It turns out that the USDA has a full-time 'rabbit police' division, with licenses and inspectors and rules governing work hours for animal performers.  There's no insurance mandate yet, but they're probably working on one."

Friday, August 30, 2013


Faced with a dead-end in the United Nations and the inability to find even a single ally to form a mini-coalition, President Barack Obama would seem to have backed himself into a corner with regard to his determination to undertake military action in Syria.

Yesterday's reluctance evidenced in the U.K. parliament made it even less likely that France or Germany would follow Obama's lead for a strike against Syria.  Unfortunately for the president, his dithering and delaying over the last two years has cost him a great deal of credibility, not only with America's allies, but also with foreign enemies, who increasingly see the U.S. as lacking in resolve.

It was two years ago that President Obama let it be known that Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad should remove himself from power.  That was followed one year later by the infamous "red-line" statement, in which the president informed the world that, if Syria transgressed by using chemical weapons, the U.S. would retaliate.  With evidence piling up to substantiate the use of sarin gas in Syria, President Obama, it appears, is a day late and a dollar short, neither convincing America's allies nor the American people that moving against the Syrian regime would be in their best interests.

While Secretary of State John Kerry  - the same John Kerry, who during the Vietnam era infamously threw his medals over the White House fence - pontificated today on why the evidence would compel this country to military action, speculation continued to mount that President Obama might unilaterally choose to order our armed forces into action, totally bereft of any sort of allied backup.

No matter how the analysts at Two for Texas have tried to slice this thing, it is difficult not to find barefaced inconsistency.  For example, how was it that an administration so gung-ho to hit Syria was so slow on the draw with the Benghazi abomination?  Why is it that, in a time of military draw-down and sequestration, the administration is bound and determined to initiate an action that, once again, might draw us into a Middle East quagmire?  If the Syrian regime has contravened its moral standing and has shown itself to be a pariah, has the administration consulted Syria's neighbors on the matter?  It might be imagined that Turkey, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kuwait, Oman and Jordan might wish to bring some pressure to bear on their renegade neighbor.  So far, we have heard nothing of that order.

Hopefully, before charging into action like the proverbial bull in the china-shop, cooler heads will counsel caution and patience.  What we have seen thus far seems to be a repetition of past diplomatic blunders.  And that brings to mind Edward Klein's best selling biography of President Obama, which was called "The Amateur."  Alas, dear readers, the Syrian affair has, so far, had a very amateurish feel about it, so amateurish in fact that someone, somewhere might be feeling a bit embarrassed.

Thursday, August 29, 2013


From Comment
For all those still laboring in the United States of America, best wishes go out for a wonderful Labor Day on Monday, September 2!

First celebrated as a national holiday in 1894, Labor Day came into being during a time of upheaval, as American workers struggled to organize and obtain collective bargaining rights.

These days, however, Labor Day is seen by most Americans as the last day of summer, a time for barbecuing and seeking out price rollbacks at Walmart and other commercial outlets.

During a time of government cover-ups concerning goings-on at the Department of Justice, the IRS and the Department of State, one is left wondering about the credibility of statistics emanating from Washington that concern American workers.

Although Americans were told this summer that the unemployment rate had dropped to 7.4%,  the sad fact of the matter is that, from all indications, there may be some manipulation of figures going on. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)  does not give an accurate picture of all areas of unemployment with the 7.4%  figure. Excluded are people who might have part-time employment but are searching for full-time positions and individuals who have not sought employment in the past month, simply because they are disheartened of finding  work.  Not showing up in any government data are those who have been looking for employment for a year or more, but have given up altogether on finding employment. Thus, if all of the data were taken into account, the real unemployment rate would likely be closer to 23%.

Nationally, however, the numbers of persons who are enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance program (SNAP, or "Food Stamps") continue to grow.  From May 2012 to May 2013, SNAP recipients grew from 47,500,000 to 47,600,000.  In Texas, by May 2013, more than 4 million people had Lone Star Cards; and, in standing in grocery store lines in Brownsville, it often seems like every other person is checking out with Lone Star.  Because of SNAP, Medicaid, CHIP, free phones and a host of other available benefits, the nation is in danger of nurturing a new generation which sees government as the source of its sustenance.

As for real household income, the picture is also dreary.  Americans now face an ongoing problem of inflation, negatively affecting their ability to support their families and pay their bills. More and more financial institutions, in the form of credit cards and loans, are doling out funds to cash-strapped consumers.  Since the recession began, the median household income in America has dropped from $56,000 to $52,000; and long-term prospects, owing to the distinct possibility of more inflation on the horizon, don't look encouraging. All told, Americans in 2000 were approximately 10% better off, as compared to their economic standing in 2013.

As America continues to allow socialism to embed itself into its economy, it might be well on this Labor day to consider traditional American methods of boosting our economy.  A good place to start is with limiting government spending; which, in the long-run, always has a way of taking away from capital available to spawn new enterprises.  We simply can't continue to mire ourselves in a swamp of  debt.

This morning, while making a run to the gym, I happened to notice that gas had overnight gone up by 10 cents a gallon, no doubt in response to the latest developments in Syria.  It doesn't take a John Sununu to figure out that we should not be dependent on the vicissitudes of the Middle East when it comes to our energy supply.  We are a gas- and oil-rich nation, and we should be utilizing our abundant resources, while we are developing alternate, renewable energy sources. But, somehow, the commissars in Washington do all they can to discourage exploiting these resources.

And, while we're at it, we are becoming one of the most regulated nations in the world.  Government regulation has and will continue to stifle our economy.  In Texas, the EPA is running a veritable vendetta against the gas and oil industry.  Only because the Lone Star State has a conservative state government, willing to take the fight to Washington, is this state able to hold its own and lead America in battling out of the Great Recession.

Most Americans don't realize it, but the United States has the highest corporate income tax rate in the world. And that certainly doesn't bode well for employment, when American businesses are tempted to set up shop in regions that are more business friendly and less tax happy.  If the tax rate could just be lowered 14%, American corporations would be less likely to flee to foreign shores, and the resultant growth in capital could spur job growth.

We can't continue to squander taxpayer money in ill-advised, pie-in-the-sky schemes such as Obamacare, which is not affordable, and  will  not be an efficient vehicle for the delivery of health care.  At this point, major parts of the law have been delayed, others have been so characterized by dispensations for various groups such as organized labor, and made so full of exceptions for political cronies and members of Congress, that it has less and less of a chance to succeed.  Speaker Pelosi's famous words were to the effect that Congress had to pass the bill so that it could be known what was in it. Now we know; and it is an unaffordable monstrosity.

The trial lawyers have contributed mightily to the socialists in Washington.  Consequently, the atmosphere in the U.S. is conducive to frivolous lawsuits brought against business and industry, which is in many ways is another waste of capital.  The punitive judgements arrived at in civil suits reach astronomical sums, and represent another halter on business growth.  More needs to be done in the area of tort reform.

So this coming Labor Day, there will be many Americans longing for the time when Washington's lefties will be sent packing and our country will return to proven strategies for economic growth.  With much determination and a bit of luck in the off-year elections in 2014, Labor Day 2015 might see us embarking on some real change that will offer not just hope but some positive results for American workers. Dear readers, let's keep those fingers crossed!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Too incredible to believe - but, nevertheless, it's true - training materials and instructors in the armed forces have labeled American revolutionaries (the 18th century variety), our Founding Fathers, those who supported the Confederate States of America, members of conservative organizations, Evangelical Christians and Roman Catholics as "extremists."

Also in the military, a manual instructs soldiers to avoid negative comments about pedophilia and Islam, as if the two were somehow related!  But, come to think of it, perhaps they are. At the same time, military chaplains are being forced to perform same-sex marriages in locales where such is legal.  And, certainly, we must not indicate in any way that Pvt. Bradley Manning's gender confusion is bizarre!

Across the good old USA, it's political correctness running wild!

Talking head Chris Matthews now exclaims that somehow uttering "Chicago" may be taken as racist, but has not suggested a replacement label.  Maybe we can just say "Windy City."

And, for the anti-gender enthusiasts, in some locations the term "manhole" is being replaced with "maintenance hole."  Hopefully, that will save a lot of pain for some "persons."

And, out in the great state of New Mexico (which is rapidly filling up with peculiar folks from California), a state supreme court decision has ruled in favor of a lesbian couple turned down by a photographer, who on the basis of religious scruples, declined to contract with the women for wedding photography.  One can't imagine that this judicial blow against religious freedom will be allowed to stand, but any way you look at it, we live in strange times! And, boy oh boy, there are some really strange people out there!

This month in Seattle, city employees were encouraged - but not forbidden - to refrain from using the terms "brown bag" and "citizen," for fear of giving offense.  It seems that, in some quarters, the mention of a brown bag could be construed to be racially offensive, and calling one person a citizen could hurt the feelings of a non-citizen.

And those rodeo clowns had better be careful; otherwise, they could end up in "sensitivity training," such as what is now required at the Missouri State Fair. Or, the same fate could befall them as that of Tuffy the Clown: They could be banned for life! What, for goodness-sakes, have we come to when we can't even make fun of presidents?  

Seriously, dear readers, it was just a couple of decades ago that we were laughing our heads off about all of the politically correct weirdos. But, now, things have taken a hard turn to the left.  With a leftist government in power in our nation's capital, the weird has become normal.  At the rate we are going, Rushdie's Satanic Verses will soon be out the window, because of the fatwa placed upon it by the Ayatollah Khomeini and his minions. After all, we would not wish to hurt the feelings of those who passed and supported Rushdie's fatwa.

And, going a bit further with "the religion of peace," I can well remember when an ideology sworn to the overthrow of the U.S. was officially not acceptable.  That particular ideology held captive the people of numerous nations, who themselves were not a threat to America, but instead were enslaved by commissars and apparatchiks.  However, today, we face a greater threat from an ideology/religion which controls the brain waves of a considerable number of its adherents, who willingly submit themselves to the control of a specious religion and the domination of mullahs, ayatollahs and assorted theocratic dictators.  Yet, my writing these words is a grave breach of political correctness. And, so, the 1st Amendment be damned!

I have forgotten, but someone once said that those who control a culture control a nation.  But no truer words were ever spoken. And so, today, American culture is slowly but surely being eroded by leftists and their empty-headed legions of fellow- travelers who have no sense of where they came from, and no idea of where they are going.

I  grew up in a genteel setting in which I was raised to never give offense.  That time is past.  If we are to stand up for our country and our birthright, we must speak out in a forthright manner and not fret over to whom we might give offense!  Many of us have been deeply offended by the shenanigans of the far left and the insanity of political correctness.  As the saying goes, "What comes around goes around!"  It's "High Noon," and that means it's high time that we were heard from.

Monday, August 26, 2013


It was a given in the early 1980's that Sadam Hussein was "our boy" in the Middle East.  Photo-ops with Sadam and various American political figures were fairly common in both the American and the Arab news media.  An unforgettable shot was of Donald Rumsfeld making nice with the Iraqi dictator, with little or no inkling that America's relationship with her client/dictator would eventually turn sour.

As America's stand-in during the Iran-Iraq War, Iraq lost approximately 300,000 military personnel and suffered an unknown number of civilian casualties.  Despite 8 years of fighting, the regime of Ayatollah Khomeini remained in power in Iran.

By 1990, Sadam imperiled Middle East stability with his invasion of Kuwait, and, in the process, vacated his role as American lackey.  The rest is a history that we know only too well, 2 gulf wars, the death of Sadam, and a mind boggling cost for the American taxpayer that is expected to hit $1.9 trillion.

And, in asking what we have gained by the expenditure of blood and treasure in Iraq, most would be dumbfounded to come up with a rationale for our misguided venture.  Iraq seems to be perpetually on the verge of civil war between Sunnis and Shias, Iran has been given an unprecedented opportunity to extend its influence into Iraq, and the Iraqi people will never show any gratitude for America's sacrifice.  Hopefully, something was learned about ill-advised schemes for "nation-building," but, from all appearances, it seems doubtful.

In the civil war now raging in Syria, it is clear that it is not the "good guys" versus the "bad guys."  Bashar al-Assad inherited a brutal dictatorship from his deceased father, who was known for the wholesale slaughter of his political opponents.  Rather than to adjust his political course toward moderation, the younger Assad has shown himself to be a chip off the old block.  Furthermore, the Assad regime is dominated by Alawites, whose offshoot version of Shia "Twelver" Islam accounts for no more than 14% of the Syrian population.  If Assad were ousted by the rebels, there would likely be a bloodbath in store for the Alawites.  This insures that Assad and his followers will do virtually whatever it takes to maintain their power.

Arrayed against the Assad regime are rebels, most of whom proclaim an attachment to Sunni Islam. As the rebels have charged full steam ahead into civil war, they have been joined by jihadists of various stripes flocking into Syria, most notably elements aligned with al-Qaeda. Their campaigns have been marked by atrocities that have even exceeded those of the Assad government.  Lately, the civilized world was shocked by photos of a rebel eviserating a dead government soldier and consuming his heart.

Compared to its neighbors, Syria is small geographically; and the Syrian population is essentially centered around two cities, Damascus and Aleppo. Thus far, the Assad regime has tightened its control over those regions; and, as seems likely, it will continue to do so.  Any intervention with "boots on the ground" must consider this reality and what it means for what could be a long-term military presence, which would be a very unpopular move from the standpoint of American  taxpayers. Most polls on the subject in the U.S. indicate that Americans overwhelmingly do not favor American involvement in Syria.

Concerning those who have made foreign policy for this country in the current administration and the disasters which have followed in Egypt and Libya, their involvement in policy making that would have an impact on Syria cannot inspire confidence.  It was not long ago that General James Clapper, the incompetent director of National Intelligence, was proclaiming that the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt was a "moderate secular group."  And, as for revelations concerning Libya and Benghazi, much more will likely unfold.

At a time when we are "sequestering" our armed forces, it appears nonsensical to contemplate a Syrian intervention, especially with a  history of long-running conflicts that have cost far more than originally envisaged by the government.  Even "leading from behind" in Libya ran a tab that went well beyond original projections. Past experience has shown that nation-building has a multitude of hidden costs.  Furthermore, the Obama administration's vacillation in arriving at a determined course of action has not won the U.S. many friends and supporters in Syria.  While Obama has dithered, 1000's more have died.

Syria's oil production is tapering off.  From a figure of 650,000 barrels produced per day in the 1990s, production has plunged to 350,000 barrels per day in the 21st century. At present, rebel forces and the Syrian army, jockeying over control of oil fields in the northeast sector of the country, have caused environmental nightmares in the form open-air, makeshift refineries, which have been resorted to in al-Raqqa province. If mega-producers Saudi Arabia and Kuwait were to curtail shipments to Syria, that in itself would have a devastating effect on the Assad regime.

The fate of religious minorities in the Middle East should have taught us something, and this is especially true when we consider what happened to the Christian minority of 1.5 million in Iraq.  Say what you will about Sadam, his dictatorial regime did not allow Muslim indignities to be visited upon Christians.  The American invasion, though, opened a Pandora's box of Muslim pogroms, to the extent that barely 100,000 Christians remain today.

Syria, with a total population of 23 million, has a Christian population of well over 2 million, which has distinguished itself in the professions and in ministerial and managerial positions in the government .  Bashar al-Assad, as Sadam in Iraq, has not allowed Muslim excesses to affect the Christian community.  But, now, with the possibility of American involvement on the horizon, that situation may well change.

Already, the rebel forces in Syria have gone out of their way to attack Christians, and atrocities have occurred.  If the jihadists and various al-Qaeda factions in the rebel forces gain a free hand, Christian Syrians could very well suffer the consequences.

The Muslim mind, as represented in the rebel forces in Syria, is very much a 15th century mind, and it is worth remembering this when considering the Islamic calendar and the attitudes and actions engendered by by such a timeline. The odds are very strong that rebel forces coming to power with American assistance would spell another Middle East disaster for American foreign policy. Ill-informed individuals, such as Senator McCain of Arizona and Senator Graham of South Carolina, seem unaware of this, and show themselves badly in need of remediation in the history of the Middle East.

A surgical air strike against Syrian chemical weapons sites, in concert with the U.K. and France, would appear to be the most viable option for involvement at this point, and would at least avoid direct intervention. And, even that, is fraught with enormous risks of further fanning the flame of civil war into regional conflict..

In any case, the old adage that those who do not know or remember history are condemned to repeat it bears reiterating.  There is much at stake in Syria, including the survival of Syria's Christians.  And, with their past failures, those who make America's foreign policy have much to lose.  From this quarter, dear readers, the U.S. has nothing to gain from direct intervention.

Sunday, August 25, 2013


September 11 is the date oddly chosen by the American Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC)  to protest what it calls "religious bigotry"  and "discrimination" in the United States.

After reading that the committee was calling for a "Million Muslim March" on Washington, I could not help but think about my own experience in living for 6 years in a Muslim country, where I was not even allowed to practice my faith of Christianity openly and without fear of state action being taken against me.

As a Christian in a Muslim land, I conducted myself in a respectful manner - as far as local customs and Islam were concerned.  Eventually, in learning more and more Arabic, I began to understand the sermons blasting from the speaker systems protruding from mosques.  On more than one occasion, I heard words demanding that Jews and Christians should be driven into the sea and exterminated.

Absolutely no allowances were made for my religious holidays, and I was expected to work on Christmas day.  Even Christmas trees were banned, and I eventually found a scrawny specimen of a tree in the desert, which somehow I managed to adorn with makeshift decorations.

Along with a small coterie of Christians, I worshiped secretly on weekends.  After six years, when I left the country, I later got wind that the small congregation of Christians had been discovered by the authorities and had been expelled.

Being one who enjoys a glass of wine or even sometimes a beer, I did not have the right to protest the fact that I was living in a "dry country."  If I had been so dense as to do so, I would have been expelled immediately.

As for the legal system, Sharia was the rule.  The Koran was the constitution.  If I had not given assent to my living under this arrangement, I would have been forthwith sent away from the country.

Because of my experience of living under Islam, I am more than a little skeptical when I hear about Muslims who wish to protest discrimination planning a massive march on 9/11, a day when Americans should be honoring the memories of those martyrs who fell victim to Islamic terrorism.

As for the alleged discrimination, are Muslims denied the right to worship freely and openly?  Are they subjected to ear-shattering sermons demeaning their faith?  Are they able to move about in society and associate with whomever they wish?  Are they not given due consideration about their religious holidays? Are they forced to live under a legal system and a constitution which establishes only one religion?  Do not Muslims in this country have access to their religious symbols and the foods demanded by their dietary practices?  Somehow - at least, it seems to me - these Muslims are raising a "red herring" at a particularly inauspicious time.

Most of the 9 million Muslims in the U.S. seem to be completely cowed by radical Islam.  Too few of them ever speak out against terrorism.  Are their voices now being raised against the genocide against Christians that is now taking place in Egypt by the Muslim Brotherhood?  Why do they never protest the blasphemy laws in Pakistan which victimize Christians?

And, I would ask, do Muslims really want to enter into the mainstream of American life? Do American Muslims engage in joint efforts with non-Muslims in the U.S. for community betterment?  It is strange, but I have not heard of Muslims joining up in droves with the Rotary, Kiwanis, and Lions clubs!  Do Muslims ever use their Zakat (a type of tithing prescribed by Islam) to benefit anyone other Muslims?  And, in Dearborn, Michigan, which has been totally taken over by Muslims, why does their city government proscribe freedom of expression for Christians?

Rather than protesting phony issues, I would hope that American Muslims would spend their time in disavowing 5th column organizations such as the Council on American Islamic Relations, which pose as "civil rights" groups.  I would also hope that American Muslims would initiate a crusade against their coreligionists funding terrorist organizations such as Hamas.  And, finally, American Muslims - if they really think of themselves as Americans - might wish to join other Americans in praying for the souls of the martyrs of 9/11 on a day which should be devoted solely to that.

In conclusion, and taking liberties with Shakespeare:  "Methinks these Muslims doth protest too much!"

Saturday, August 24, 2013


Coming on the heels of the vicious gunning down of young Australian baseballer Chris Lane in Duncan, Oklahoma, last week, the beating death of World War II veteran and Purple Heart holder Delbert Belton, in Spokane, Washington on August 21, resulted in growing sentiment across the land for appropriate action on racial violence in America.

The 89-year-year-old Belton survived his wounds from fighting on Okinawa, only to fall victim on Wednesday night to 2 teenage thugs who are suspected of pummeling Belton to death with flashlights, shortly after their victim left an Elks Club in Spokane.

One suspect, Demetrius Glenn,  has been apprehended by Spokane police, while the 2nd suspect, Kenan Adams-Kinard, is now the object of an intense search by law enforcement authorities.  The suspects, apparently ranging in age between 16 and 19, were intending to commit robbery when they encountered Belton, who had just returned to his car.

Belton, who was barely over 5 feet in height, was known as "Shorty."  At his advaced age, he would been physically no match for the thugs.

In the pages of Two for Texas, I have repeatedly referred to statistics that show black-on-white violence to be far more common than white-on-black attacks.  In fact, black violence is geometrical in proportion to violent attacks perpetrated by white Americans on black Americans.  But, this is a story that, out of its constant promotion of multiculturalism and political correctness, the major media outlets would rather keep mum.

"WILDERS" IN PHILADELPHIA (Philadelphia Inquirer)
"Wilding" is a craze that dates back over 20 years.  In 1991, a mob in Boston went on a rampage, during which a woman was stabbed a total on 122 times.  On June 11, 2000, during a Puerto Rico Day parade in New York City, an out-of-control horde of young people began attacking, assaulting and groping women.  In 2008, in St. Louis, wilding groups attacked passengers at various stops in the metro train system.  In the spring of 2010, using social media in order to assemble, mobs in Philadelphia began attacking passers-by and destroying property.  In the following year, a multitude of black youth went "wilding" at the Wisconsin State Fair and began attacking fair-goers outside the fair grounds.  This year, in April, a throng of 400 black teens took over the Magic Mile in Chicago and began uncontrolled pillaging and violence.  The real story of these examples of wilding - the story that the media doesn't see fit to cover - is that the victims of these attacks were, in large proportion, white.

As disturbing as these examples might be, black-on-black violence occurs at a rate that staggers the imagination. Between 1979 and 2011, there were approximately 279,000 black murder victims in the U.S. Of those deaths, about 263,000 or 94%, resulted from blacks attacking blacks.  In effect, the black community constitutes the most violence prone group in America.

Incredibly, so-called "black leaders" spend their efforts in spinning tales of racism rather than in speaking out in calling for black America to respond to the challenge of rectifying the societal sickness that afflicts it. Concomitantly, we now have a racist government in power in the nation's capital, which is averse to any sort of even-handedness in racial matters.  It is a virtual certainty that neither the president nor the attorney general will speak out - as they did in the Treyvon Martin case - against the violence which percolates from black America and affects this nation as a whole.  And, for their reluctance to articulate the problem, the U.S. daily and increasingly becomes a land beset by tribalism and bloodshed.

My father was a veteran who served with distinction in World War II.  His fellows who are still alive deserve all the gratitude and honor which this nation can bestow upon them.  That an elderly veteran may be assaulted  and murdered by barbaric young thugs on our streets is an outrage!  In many ways, my father would not recognize the America of 2013, which has fallen so far from the ideals that once made it an exceptional land.  Delbert Belton could have been my dad!  Delbert Belton: RIP - AD ASTRA.

Thursday, August 22, 2013


 The first time I fired a gun - a .22 caliber rifle - it was under my father's supervision.  I was a 10-year-old, and my father made sure that I understood what a gun could do.  There followed several sessions of parental lessons on gun safety.  Eventually, we went squirrel hunting, and by the time I was 12, my father had presented me as a birthday gift a .22/.410 over-and-under rifle/shotgun.

Although I did do some hunting as a teenager, my gun experience leaned  more toward target practice. And, still today, I enjoy the firing range. Over the years, I came to view as a necessity the owning of handguns. Consequently, I also made sure that I qualified for a Texas Concealed Handgun License (CHL).

To become a CHL holder in Texas is no easy matter.  To qualify, intensive hours spent in a classroom and on a firing range are required.  In addition, a thorough background check is also a requirement.  All told, from the time I applied and met the requirements, it was more than 2 months until I received my license.

Because of the rigorous background check, Texas CHL holders make up one of the most law-abiding groups of Texas citizens.  A comparison of Texas Department of Public Safety statistics on CHL holders with the general population reveals that those individuals willing to go through the required training and the background check are among the least likely of  Texans to be involved in crime.  But, that is what one would expect of responsible gun owners.

For example for calendar year 2011, there were 518,625 active holders of CHLs in Texas. Of 63,679  felony convictions for that year, a mere 120 amounted to convictions of CHL holders, representing a conviction rate of 0.1884% for the group.  Of the 1,779 robbery convictions, none was of a CHL holder. Of 1,529 terroristic threat convictions, only 1 was of a  person possessing a CHL.  Of  461 murder convictions, 3 were of CHL holders.  Of the 25 kidnapping convictions, none was of a CHL holder.  And there were no convictions of CHL holders for assaulting public servants, as opposed to 780 in the general population.

For the same calendar year, 2011, there was a total of 143,725 license applications issued.  Of that number, 494 were denied. For various reasons, 825 licenses were suspended,  and 973 were revoked.  These statistics are a strong indication that Texas DPS does not sit back and relax once licenses are issued, but, instead, engages in an ongoing oversight of the Texas CHL program.

CHL holders would probably agree that the most basic incentive for gun ownership is that of self-preservation and the protection of family, friends and property. If a criminal, for example is cognizant of the possibility of a potential victim being armed, then it is less likely that his quarry will indeed become a victim.  In Texas, the state government is absolutely supportive of the 2nd Amendment, and the population, as a whole, is in agreement.

From Brownsville, Texas, one need only cross the Rio Grande into Matamoros, Mexico, where the folly of banning gun ownership is on tragic display.  In Mexico, private gun ownership is basically outlawed.  As a result, only the police and the bad guys are armed; and, unfortunately, most of the time, the local police are in cahoots with the criminals. As a result, kidnappings are not uncommon, and the takeover of private property by criminal elements is not infrequent.  But in Brownsville - where bad guys also reside - criminals, in computing the odds, are much more likely to take citizen gun ownership into account, and that accounting is a deterrent in its own right.

If gun laws that are now in force were rigidly enforced, there would be no purpose to ill-advised efforts to ban private gun ownership.  Increasingly, Americans live in an out-of-control, pagan culture, which demeans the value of human life.  Liberal Hollywood, for all the celebrity involvement in anti-gun movements, continues to turn out the most violent of films, and our youth continue their enthrallment with the likes of Quentin Tarantino and his "splatter-fest" cinematography.  At the same time, the disintegration of family values has produced new barbarians, such as the three black teenagers accused of the Duncan, Oklahoma, atrocity, who have not learned the value of human life. Nevertheless, the present administration in Washington is hell-bent on penalizing honest gun owners, putting them on the same level as the lowest elements of American society who persist in their high rates of violent crime.

Texas CHL holders are far from being bad guys.  Taken as a whole, they represent a cadre of traditional, law-abiding citizens. If certain politicians in various quarters of the United States did not react in such a brain-dead manner, the Texas CHL program and its administration by the Texas DPS could well be a model for the rest of the country.


In a horrifying incident in Duncan, Oklahoma, a young Australian baseballer at East Central College, was allegedly murdered in a thrill-killing by 3 black teenagers.  Chris Lane, while out jogging, is thought to have been randomly selected as a victim by those who stand accused

Statistics bear out incontrovertibly that the odds of whites being victims of black violence are far greater than vice-versa.  In fact, blacks are 7.5 times more likely to commit homicide than whites; and, although blacks are outnumbered 6 to 1 in the general population, they are 8 times more likely to attack whites than whites are to attack blacks.

In assessments of the crime that are sure to follow on major media networks, there will be, no doubt, all sorts of hand-wringing about white racism causing young blacks to act violently.  Sadly, that sort of response is all too common today in a society that has a double-standard when it comes to race.

So, here goes with an obviously politically incorrect statement: The hard fact of the matter is that what  is needed is a no-holds-barred look at the black community and the societal ills that afflict it.  Too many young blacks have been brainwashed by so-called black "leaders" who thrive on perpetuating a stereotype of black victimhood.  Indeed, a strong case may be made that young blacks are victims, but victims of a mythology that racialist reverends like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have woven to ensnare their youth  in everlasting homage to destructive attitudes, spreading rancor and hostility .

Could it be that, because more than 70% of black births are illegitimate, some sort of serious attitude adjustment is needed among blacks in America?  Could it be that young black men without the strong hand of a father are attracted to gangs and, subsequently, to violence?  Could it be that the "thug culture," which spawns thug costumes and thug music, has a deleterious effect on black youth?  Could it be that, in a black culture that celebrates athletic prowess over academic achievement, youngsters are not challenged in such a way as to elevate both themselves and their community? Could it be that the constant acrimonious language of Sharptons and Jacksons primes young blacks for unwarranted "revenge?" And, could it be that an American government - led by a factionalist, not a national leader - that colors virtually all issues with racial overtones is sending the wrong message to minority youth?

Yes, many, many years ago, I could have been Christopher Lane.  But my saying that, with my comparatively small audience, will not have much of an impact, unless all of us together voice our disenchantment with policies which only create more division, more distrust and more violence. Until that happens, no, it is quite apparent that we all can't just get along. And this is especially true as long as the NAACP and like organizations continue to foster policies of dependence which make black America a dysfunctional basket-case

Political correctness these days makes much of profiling as a practice that unfairly singles out certain racial groups.  However, dear readers, profiling is a natural, primeval reaction linked to self-preservation.  As long as certain groups are associated with thug dress, thug behavior and thug music, other groups will naturally seek to avoid them.  Unfortunately, Chris Lane never had the chance to profile those who singled him out for death.  And, now, his grieving parents have arrived in Oklahoma to bear his remains back to Australia. Chris Lane, Ad Astra, RIP.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Two nights ago, I enjoyed a couple of cool libations with a good friend whose lineage is clearly Scandinavian.  With blonde hair and blue eyes, he looks every bit as Norwegian as his name suggests.  For the purposes of this article, my friend shall be called "Thor."

As a teenager, Thor traveled from Illinois to Norway to spend vacations working on his relatives' farm.  He well remembers the long, beautiful summer days, when his work was done and he was able to hike to the shore and gaze in fascination at the majestic fiords which bounded his family's land.

During the time that Thor spent in the "old country," he assiduously studied Norwegian culture, including literature, art and music.  Thus, he emerged from his summer idyll with a renewed appreciation of his family's Norwegian heritage. It is absolutely true that once you get Thor musing about the composer Edvard Grieg, the film producer Arne Skonen, the playwright Henrik Ibsen and the artist Edvard Munch, he will literally talk the night away.  However, in the middle of my last visit with Thor, I noticed large tears welling up in his eyes.  "Thor, Thor," I cried, "are you all right?"  And it was then that Thor began to share the profound hurt that dwelt deep within his soul.

Wiping his tears, Thor began to tell me of the pain that stereotypes of violent Vikings had caused him nearly all of his adult life.  Pathetically, he spoke from his heart, that his people had never raided lands to the south of Scandinavia, had never raped nuns, slaughtered clerics and sacked churches and monasteries.  All such notions had caused profound emotional and psychological damage for my dear friend.  Trying to empathize with Thor, I encouraged him to purge himself of the hateful stereotypes.

As Thor continued his story, it was clear that he felt an especial distress with certain logos and team monikers used in the world of professional sports.  In fact, this distress had inflicted such damage upon his psyche that he is now unable to take pleasure in American
football, mostly owing to the image portrayed by the professional team based in Minneapolis, the Minnesota Vikings.  Despite years of counseling, Thor revealed to me that the pain has never been mitigated.

Oh, dear readers, it is high time that Thor is relieved of that which vexes him!.  And now, in this gentle age of multiculturalism and political correctness, I can say that the time is right. Thor and all Norwegian-Americans deserve much better than the Minnesota Vikings.  Just like the editors of THE NEW REPUBLIC and THE WASHINGTON POST, who have decided to take a stand in behalf of Native Americans who might be offended by a team known as Redskins, I now rise up and swear to God almighty, that henceforth and forever and in an effort to support my dear friend, in all articles emanating from Two for Texas and America, the professional football team in Minneapolis will never, ever again be referred to as Vikings.  So, help me God!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013



The Event Center is located just off Paredes Line Road.  Use Mapquest or other internet map service for complete directions.



Imagine a land where Muslims routinely burn Christian churches, rape young Christian women and are not loath to decapitate priests.  Sound like a bad dream?  No, this is Egypt in the 21st century.

It was not long ago that we were being assured by the likes of President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Senator John McCain and the lying, ignorant General Clapper that the Muslim Brotherhood was a moderate organization which represented the will of the Egyptian people and would usher in a new era for Egypt.  Unfortunately, that was someone's pipdream; and, since the Egyptian spring of 2011, things have only gone from bad to worse.

One would think that any sane American administration and its supporters might have been somewhat concerned about a "moderate" Muslim Brotherhood president, such as Mohamed Morsi, who regularly lambasted Jews and Israelis as being the descendants of pigs and apes, and especially  so since Egypt is subsidized with 1.6 billion dollars of  American taxpayer money annually.

Be that as it may, the evil of Islamic fascism is now on the loose in Egypt..  The Christian minority of 10 million souls suffers each day the horrors of a persecution unimaginable to American Christians.   Not only have nuns been forced to march through the streets like lambs being led to the slaughter; at last count almost 50 Egyptian churches and monasteries have been looted and burned by Muslim Brotherhood supporters.  Hundreds have been killed in the aftermath of the military ouster of President Morsi, but the brunt of the outrages has been directed against Christians.  Thus far, only a few tepid words of condemnation have proceeded from the mouth of our president, during, of course, another one of his extravagant vacations at Martha's Vineyard.  But, one supposes that is to be expected from a president whose health care monstrosity will codify discrimination against certain Christian groups in America.

Not only do the twin abominations of multiculturalism and political correctness smother freedom of expression domestically, it is becoming all the more apparent that those who call the shots in our foreign policy are indisposed when it comes to calling a spade a spade.  In the meantime, not only are Egyptian Christian brothers and sisters being subjected to atrocities, the failure of this administration to function diplomatically in the Middle East as a whole makes it more and more likely that Americans on the home front will experience some hurtful consequences from this administration's incompetence.  And, come to think of it, why have we not heard American Muslims speaking out against the outrages in Egypt?  Is that not what one would expect from the "religion of peace?"

Monday, August 19, 2013


By the end of the 17th century, Spain became fearful of the possibility of French settlement in the portion of New Spain known as Texas.  Reacting from concern as to what could be seen as a possible challenge to her suzerainty, Spain recruited subjects to settle  into three presidios  or fortified areas of Texas, in order to solidify her claim to the vast territory. The regions colonized by the settlers were located to the north in what would be called Nacogdoches, along the Rio Bravo to the south and beside the  San Antonio River, in the Bexar-Goliad region.

Nowadays, the word Tejano is used loosely to include food, music and virtually all Mexican-American residents of Texas.  Utilized more properly in its historical context, however, Tejano refers to the original Spanish settlers of Texas and their descendants.

Coming from the Spanish creole culture of Mexico, the Tejanos established their own unique way of life in adapting to the severe conditions encountered in Texas.  With the challenges of a harsh climate and the ever-present danger from indigenous attacks, the Tejano social order became one in which much emphasis was placed on the individual's ability to survive and flourish  against significant odds .

It has oft been said that every generation forms its own view of history, sometimes at the expense of fact and accuracy.  A widespread view encountered in many quarters of Texas today is that the idea of detaching Texas from Spain - and later from Mexico - was a scheme that was exclusively Anglo in its origination. However, as is so often the case, a closer look at history reveals a totally different picture.

In 1811, after his revolution was on the ropes and before he was betrayed and taken prisoner in Coahuila, Padre Hidalgo was fleeing Mexico for Texas, where he likely hoped to gain support from the Tejanos.  Also in 1811, there was a failed uprising against Spain in San Antonio de Bexar.  Finally, in 1813, Bernardo Gutierrez de Lara set up a short-lived Republic of the North at Nacognoches, which was quickly defeated  at the Battle of the Medina, the bloodiest battle ever on Texas soil, during which more than 1,400 revolutionaries lost their lives to a crack Spanish army under General Joaquin de Arredondo in fighting south of San Antonio de Bexar.  A 19-year-old junior officer in Arredondo's army was Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna.

By 1821, Mexico had gained its independence from Spain; and, after the short-lived emperorship of  Agustin Iturbide, a federal constitution modeled on the constitution of the United States took effect in 1824. Although the new Mexican constitution reserved a favored position for the Roman Catholic Church, it formed a government which was structured around the concept of division of powers in the form of separate executive, judicial and legislative branches.

During the 1830's, Mexico's leadership took a drastic turn to the right, and the person of Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna became paramount in an effort to centralize power in Mexico City and to quash the 1824 constitution.  Rebellions sprang up in several Mexican states, including Coahuila y Tejas, in response to what would shortly become an all out effort in Mexico City to replace federal states with centrally controlled departments.  The erstwhile governor of Coahuila y Texas, Agustin Viesca, fled from Saltillo to Texas, where he joined his friend, Stephen F. Austin, in the effort to create an independent Texas.  

The fall of 1835 witnessed unremitting warfare between Texas revolutionaries and Mexico. On March 2, 1836, Texas declared independence.  Of those who were signatories to the declaration, three were former Hispanic citizens of Mexico:  Jose Antonio Navarro, Jose Francisco Ruiz and Lorenzo de Zavala.  Zavala, who had presided over the drafting of the Mexican Constitution of 1824 and had served as a minister in the Mexican government, would become an interim vice-president of the new republic, and, along with Navarro and Ruiz, would take a leading role in the drafting of the Constitution of the Republic of Texas.

Tejanos, including Brigido Guerrero,an ancestor of my wife, were prominent in the storming of Bexar in 1835, and there were 8 Tejanos at the Alamo:  Jose Maria Esparza, Antonio Fuentes, Jose Toribio Lesoya, Andres Nava, Juan Abamillo, Juan Badillo, Jose Maria Guerrero, and Juan Seguin.  Of the 8, Seguin would live to fight and distinguish himself at San Jacinto and eventually be promoted to colonel and serve as a senator of the Texas Republic and mayor of San Antonio.  Although forced to serve in the Mexican army during the Mexican war, Seguin returned to Texas, where he served as a county judge and a justice of the peace.

Of the several prominent Tejano families that opposed Santa Anna, none was more renowned than the de Leon family of Victoria.  The sons and sons-in-law of Martin de Leon, including Jose Maria Jesus Carabal, Placido Benavides, and Silvestre de Leon, led military forces and supported the cause with their resources.  Benavides, owing to his long ride in alerting ranchers in south Texas to the approach of Santa Anna, became known as the "Paul Revere of Texas."   Like several Tejano families in Texas, the de Leons, despite their strong opposition to Santa Anna, opposed independence.

At the time of independence, there were no more than 4,000 Tejanos in Texas.  In terms of their support for the war against Santa Anna, they accounted for a greater proportion of their numbers participating in the revolution than a corresponding percentage of Anglos who were actively engaged.

In the loss of Texas, there were probably 2 factors that negatively affected Mexico more than any others:

1. Political instability early on became a way of life for Mexico. In the first 27 years of Mexican independence, there were 50 separate governments under various heads of state.  Santa Anna himself would serve on 11 occasions as head of state.  Unfortunately,  Spain had not bequeathed a legacy of participation to the creoles who tried to govern in the early years of Mexican independence

2. Most Mexicans were reluctant to endure the harsh conditions of life in Texas.  Therefore, the enormous land mass of Texas was open to settlement from non-Mexican quarters, and hardy Anglo-Saxons were more than happy to test their mettle in Texas

Despite their relatively small numbers, the Tejanos had an immense cultural influence.  From food and dress to architecture, agriculture and ranching, the uniqueness of Texas is indebted to the Tejanos.  Clearly, the Tejano influence is alive and well today; and, just as clearly, the outcome of the venture that culminated in the Lone Star Republic would have been more uncertain without the Tejano heroes of the Texas Revolution.

Friday, August 16, 2013


And be it further enacted, that if any person shall write, print, utter or publish, or shall cause or procure to be written, printed, uttered or published, or shall knowingly and willingly assist,, or aid in writing, printing, uttering or publishing any false, scandalous and malicious writing or writings against the government of the United States, or either house of the Congress of the United States, or the President of the United States, with the intent to defame the said government, or either house of the said Congress, or the said President, ......,then such person being thereof convicted before any court of the United States having jurisdiction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, and by imprisonment not exceeding two years.  Section 2, Act in addition to the Act, Entitled "An Act for the Punishment of Certain Crimes Against the United States" (Alien and Sedition Acts, 1798).

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. ( First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America)

The Alien and Sedition Acts were four bills signed into law by President John Adams in 1798. Conceived by Federalist politicians who feared that Democratic-Republican opposition would threaten the power of the central government and bring a French Revolution-style of anarchy to the United States, the portion of the acts pertaining to freedom of expression were particularly onerous.  All told, 10 persons were
convicted under provisions pertaining to sedition.

Although these laws, in their time, were considered manifestations of a central government intent on the tyrannical exercise of power, the Supreme Court (not yet having any precedent for judicial review) never subjected the Alien and Sedition Acts to its scrutiny.  Nevertheless, President Thomas Jefferson pardoned those who had been convicted, and subsequent court opinions having to do with other issues have reflected a widespread view that the Supreme Court would certainly consider the legislation unconstitutional.

Today, generally speaking and with particular import for political expression, freedom of speech includes virtually any and all forms of expression proceeding from one's oral, written or bodily communication, with exceptions, of course, having to do with obscenity, libel, slander, etc.

Indeed, there are some forms of expressions which might be considered boorish or in bad taste, but such is the way of life in the political arena. For example, during a joint session of Congress on September 9, 2009, Representative Joe Wilson of South Carolina shouted, "You lie!" as President Obama delivered an address in which he indicated that illegal immigrants would not be covered in subsequent health care legislation.  Although many felt that Congressman Wilson's outburst was ill-advised and tasteless, he was within his rights in expressing himself in that manner.  As an aside, it would seem that Wilson's view on  health care legislation. has since been vindicated.

Just this week a hornet's nest was stirred up when a rodeo clown at the Missouri State Fair appeared in a President Obama mask.  By the resulting outcry and comments emanating from the White House, one would think that a unique, egregious violation had occurred.  Misguided and constitutionally uninformed officials at the fair banned the offending clown from future appearances in the arena, and Missouri's Senator Clair McCaskill - with a dubious record of underhandedness in her own political history - spoke out as if the poor clown had committed an unforgiveable transgression.

Somehow, all this hulabaloo strikes me as ridiculous.  Various manufacturers have for many decades marketed outlandish masks of presidential likenesses, which have been worn in a variety of settings to express differences of political opinion.  I can remember when certain characters appearing at public events wearing George W. masks participated in some really disagreeable behavior, but nothing was made of it.

Somehow, with our current president, all caricatures should cease and the imperial person of President Barack H. Obama should not be sullied by the same sort of ridicule endured by previous chief executives. After all, these sorts of actions could very well be motivated by racism!  Whatever happened, pray tell, to the sentiment of  Harry Truman - a real Missourian, by the way - expressed as, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!"

Apparently, in a move smacking of the same sort of stuff we used to associate with "re-education" under communist regimes, the folks at the Missouri State Fair have called for "sensitivity training" for rodeo participants.  For those in the U.S. who are still broadly educated, this will probably sound a bit too "Orwellian."

Sadly, race now affects virtually all aspects of the current administration in Washington.  Incredibly, every conceivable issue somehow reeks of ethnicity and tribalism; thus, resulting in a special type of  presidential racism, which is effectively used to obscure the many failures of the Obama White House.

Hopefully, the rodeo clown booted out of the fair in Missouri will put in an appearance at the Texas State Fair, where he will probably be received most enthusiastically.  Personally, I can't wait until he gets a big Texas round of applause!

Thursday, August 15, 2013


This know also, that in the last days, perilous times shall come.  For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy   Without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers incontinent, ...despisers of those that are good. Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.  Timothy 3: 1-5.

It may not be coincidental that American popular culture these days is reminiscent of Petronius (27 AD - 66 AD), the Roman voluptuary, satirist and courtier whose Satyricon is sometimes cited by scholars as being the first literary work in novel form in Western civilization.

First exposed as a college sophomore to Petronius in a course in Roman literature, the degeneracy of   Nero's era was more than a little unsettling for a wet-behind-the-ears 19-year-old. Be that as it may, from the standpoint of today's standards, I can imagine that Petronius might very well be at home in 21st century America.

If Petronius were standing in line at any number of grocery store check-outs, I can well imagine that he would happily flip through the pages of National Enquirer and The Globe, two publications that put great stock in besting each other in their world of a sensational style of journalism based on revelations of unrestrained sex and bizarre crimes. Certainly, any voluptuary worthy of the name would want to know that Katy Cuoco - sorry, but her identity escapes me - is "addicted to bad boys", and that Simon Cowell has "...dirty secrets."  In addition, The Globe has recently broken a graphically descriptive story of the painful death throes afflicting Queen Elizabeth.  In Brownsville, Texas, where I live, there are no longer any major bookstores in operation; but, from my own informal tabulation at my local HEB store, there would appear to be ample readers of these publications.

In a land with a desire for violent entertainment, an ongoing sexual fixation, compounded by wide-spread gender-confusion, and which is rapidly accommodating and appeasing homosexuality throughout all areas of society, Petronius would have an unlimited setting from which to draw material for further writing in the same vein as his Satyricon..

That more and more people choose to view spectacles on TV, or on the silver screen, depicting all manner of death and disfigurement cannot be disputed.  In many ways - just, for example, consider the "sport" of ultimate fighting - we are not far removed from the entertainment provided throughout arenas in the Roman world in Petronius's time.

The modern technology facilitating the spread of pornography would delight Petronius, as would the ready availability of mind-altering drugs.  And, let us not overlook the the sky-rocketing divorce rate and the resulting break-ups of home life, which produce the types of rootless individuals so easily preyed upon by a degenerate society.

With the ultimate decline of the Roman Republic came a withering away of the virtues that had sustained Roman society for centuries, thus establishing a wide comfort zone for perversion, depravity and the orgy-filled lives of Petronius and his fellows.  With this in mind, what are we to make of our world today, which encourages extra-marital relations, "sexual exploration" and total liberation as "...normal and healthy?"

A symptom of the waning of traditional American culture may also be seen in the ongoing decline of mainline Christian denominations. The hierarchies of the Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopal, Lutheran and other churches have all been rushing like lemmings to accede and adapt to popular culture. Consequently, Americans have been fleeing their pews in sky-rocketing  numbers.  At the same time, Hollywood and the entertainment industry continue to turn out motion pictures which ridicule traditional American values, including the Church.

Petronius, owing to his fall from favor in the Roman court, took his own life, an act that was not uncommon in his day.  In our own death-centered culture, suicide is widely seen as a perfectly acceptable option and, along with growing acceptance of euthanasia, drives an attitude which cheapens human life.  That 50 million children have been aborted since Roe v. Wade and that organizations such as Planned Parenthood sanction partial-birth abortion now undergird a society with many who would favor forcing Christians opposed to such practices to support them with their tax dollars.

Alexis de Toqueville, commenting on the strength of America, wrote:

"Not until I went to the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power.  America is great because she is good, and if ever America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great."

Looked at today, America appears less and less "good."  But beyond its decline in goodness is a growing gulf between two Americas, both of which condemn each other.  One America denounces the other as bigoted, homophobic and racist, while the other America persists in its adherence to traditional values and beliefs, in total opposition to the new religion of political correctness and multiculturalism.  In effect, this is a culture war of major proportions for America's heart and soul.  The battle is not yet totally joined, but we are nearing an historical juncture which will make it inevitable that this basic issue will be resolved. Will the moorings of morality, decency and godliness be just a dim memory from another age?  Will the outcome of cultural conflict result in a new Petronian order, or in an America which reverses course and returns to its roots of greatness, exceptionalism and basic goodness?  Like it or not, you will likely be a part of the decision-making process!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Common practices like boarding an airplane and purchasing Sudafed require photo ID, and we should expect nothing less for the protection of our right to vote.  Governor Pat McCrory, upon signing North Carolina's new voter ID law.

When I turned 21, I walked several blocks to the courthouse, where I proudly entered the office of the county clerk and registered to vote.  For me, this was a serious affirmation of my coming of age as an American.  The very fact that I expended a little bit of effort in the act was a sign that I would take very seriously the right for which so many had sacrificed so much.  Compare that with practices prevalent today, which assist citizens to register in almost any old place - even including their homes - and it is not difficult to discern that not only does the system not inspire pride but that it also has opened itself to the great likelihood of fraud.

Shortly after the 2012 election, there was a story hitting the various media of an election judge in Ohio who had managed to vote 8 times - all the votes were for President Obama, of course.  If that election judge managed 8 votes in one election, just imagine how she might have facilitated the same type of behavior for others coming to her polling place.

For one not to have a photo ID in this day and age seems virtually impossible.  I was thinking just yesterday of all the situations in which one is required to show a picture-ID:  to check into a hotel, to drink a beer, to get a library card, to board a plane, to buy a train ticket, to cash a check, etc.  It goes without saying that, in the 21st century, one does not get far in life without a photo ID.

In Texas, non-driving, state-issued photo IDs are available at any driving license office at a cost of $6.00 for those over the age of 60. while those 59 and younger pay $16.00.  At last count, in the congressional district in which I live, there were 23 sites where the service was available.

As for those who oppose photo IDs for voters and scream to the high heavens that voting fraud is negligible in the U.S., may I remind them of the many incidents that were uncovered in Florida and California of non-U.S. citizens voting in 2012.  Also, notably in New York, there was a long-standing practice of the registration of individuals with fictitious names, followed by political operatives voting those names on election day.  And, don't forget, that ACORN and other so-called "community organizing groups" have a sleazy past of all sorts of tomfoolery in the registration process. Then there are probably more than 50,000 people registered to vote in both Florida and New York.  If it seems that this is a minimal number of people voting in elections without the right to do so, please recall that it wasn't so long ago that a certain close election in Florida was hanging by a mere "chad."

Democratic critics of photo ID charge that such a requirement will serve only to diminish election turnouts; however, in state after state which has adopted a photo ID requirement, turnouts have increased.  Using Georgia as an example, after photo ID legislation was passed, the state sent mobile bus units into neighborhoods across the state, which were equipped with the on-site ability to register voters and even to provide them with photo IDs.  In the first election after the ID requirement, voter participation shot up dramatically, and even included a 5% increase in the black vote.

Despite all of the demonstrated benefits of a photo ID requirement for the electorate, nonsensical challenges to state law still occur.  Lately, the ACLU is bringing suit against North Carolina's new law; and, in Texas, the Holder DOJ is ever more determined to continually scrutinize the Lone Star State's legislation on voting regulations.

In deep South Texas, where the votes of an unsophisticated electorate are bought with barbecued chicken and beer and where campaign workers regularly load semi-comatose voters from adult day care centers into vans bound for polling places, election chicanery has been for too long a way of life.  The state requirement for photo IDs is a start in the right direction; but, to bring places like Cameron and Hidalgo counties into conformity with above-board voting procedures will entail close supervision from Austin.

Looked at closely, the opposition to a photo ID from certain quarters should not be surprising.  After all, since 2009, the U.S. has had to bear the weight from its highest echelons of a Chicago and Cook County mentality, which has never had a reputation for clean politics.  But, then again all the arguments against photo ID when taken to their logical conclusion, obviously come out lacking.  Thus, all the Democrats are left with are their usual faux-cries of "Racism! Racism!"  For all practical purposes, the case against photo ID collapses under the weight of its own absurdity.