Serving as a dean and provost during my career in higher education, I knew that I was ultimately accountable for what worked and didn't work in my area of responsibility. For example, as a dean of student affairs, I supervised admissions, registration, student employment, financial aid, athletics, child care, campus security, student housing, testing and grant-supported programs. On many occasions, I was forced to curtail my personal plans to deal with unanticipated developments and emergencies. I can't even guess how many football tickets to games at my alma mater that went unused because of last minute problems on campus.
In the private sector, expectations are perhaps even higher. If a new product, for example, is flawed, those responsible will be called to task. They might even be fired. At the very least, the concerned managers and developers will spend long hard hours in rectifying the problem. The market place is, indeed, a very competitive place where incompetence cannot be tolerated.
Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sibelius is directly charged with oversight of the implementation of the oddly misnamed Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare), which latest polls show Americans opposing to the tune of 56%. With recent news indicating that the new law is experiencing a myriad of "glitches," accountability for the foul-ups is not forthcoming. In other words, nobody in the administration is willing to utter a "mea culpa."
Yes, dear readers, this is the same Secretary Sibelius who last June turned down a dying 10-year-old girl for help in obtaining a lung transplant. And now, with Congressional leaders calling for her testimony on assorted problems with insurance exchanges and a barely functioning Obamacare website, "Ice Queen Katy" can't be bothered, because she is slated to be waltzing in Boston on Thursday evening. I can only say that if I had responded in like manner, even at my low level of responsibility, I would have been presented post-haste with my walking papers!
Obamacare is supposed to be the great achievement of the 21st century and the savior of those not endowed with medical insurance! It is, we are told, the crowning glory of the Obama administration. With all of the hoopla and 3 and 1/2 years to prepare, should we not expect the system to function? What would Steve Jobs and Bill Gates do in such a situation? Would they be accountable? Would they demand accountability from those charged with responsibility for project implementation? Of course they would. And they would not go prancing off for a gala in Boston!
Do you not agree with me, dear readers, that we deserve better from our "public servants?"
Deo vindice!
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In the private sector, expectations are perhaps even higher. If a new product, for example, is flawed, those responsible will be called to task. They might even be fired. At the very least, the concerned managers and developers will spend long hard hours in rectifying the problem. The market place is, indeed, a very competitive place where incompetence cannot be tolerated.
Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sibelius is directly charged with oversight of the implementation of the oddly misnamed Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare), which latest polls show Americans opposing to the tune of 56%. With recent news indicating that the new law is experiencing a myriad of "glitches," accountability for the foul-ups is not forthcoming. In other words, nobody in the administration is willing to utter a "mea culpa."
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Obamacare is supposed to be the great achievement of the 21st century and the savior of those not endowed with medical insurance! It is, we are told, the crowning glory of the Obama administration. With all of the hoopla and 3 and 1/2 years to prepare, should we not expect the system to function? What would Steve Jobs and Bill Gates do in such a situation? Would they be accountable? Would they demand accountability from those charged with responsibility for project implementation? Of course they would. And they would not go prancing off for a gala in Boston!
Do you not agree with me, dear readers, that we deserve better from our "public servants?"
Deo vindice!
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