No matter how we reform health care. we will keep this promise. If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.
President Barack Hussein Obama, 2009
As if the disasters of the IRS scandal, the "Fast and Furious" fiasco and the Benghazi tragedy were not enough, in the weeks leading up to 2014 millions of Americans will be receiving notices that they are being dropped from their health care plans. And, to make matters even worse, replacing those plans will cost them more money - in fact, a lot more money. No doubt, their disappointment will be be stoked into disenchantment with the present occupant of the Oval Office, with the knowledge that President Barack Hussein Obama knew all along that the words he spoke guaranteeing that people could keep their health plans and their doctors were part of a calculated deception to grease the skids for the passage of the totally misnamed Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Once again, we see the big lie strategy at work.
Those who 4 years ago had their doubts about Obamacare ever working were labeled rich and selfish Tea-Partiers and stingy Republicans. And, in setting the pace for what would become their standard fall-back label, Democrats took great delight in branding Obamacare opponents "racists!" However, under the present set of circumstances, those people now look more and more like "prophets."
For all my dear readers in Cyberspace who are stingy. selfish and racist, let's see if we can uncover the logic of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Millions of people who had what they considered affordable health care coverage are going to lose it. OK. Then they will have to go to an Obamacare exchange & locate a more expensive plan offering less coverage than they originally had. Right on! If they are at certain income levels, however, they will be subsidized by tax monies, which they and most members of the middle class pay for with their taxes. Uh-huh. It is unlikely that many members of the middle class will qualify for subsidies. Really? But they will continue to be taxed to pay for other people's subsidies. For crying out loud! The system, in large part, will be predicated on the assumption that young, healthy people will buy policies that they can neither afford nor need, so the young, healthy people will likely pay a modest fine rather than sign up for a costly policy that they see no need for. No kidding! The monies that the socialist "wunderkinds" were anticipating will not materialize. Darn it! There will not be funds for subsidizing the policies of poor people. A pity! The costs of coverage for those who pay will spike. Holy moley! Policy holders will demand change. Makes sense! Obamacare will collapse under its own weight!
But, of course, none of this will be the fault of the president, just as he knew nothing about Fast and Furious, IRS shenanigans, NSA snooping or how those poor people at Benghazi lost their lives. Gosh, don't you wish you could live the lifestyle of Barack Hussein Obama? Just imagine, you could be totally absolved of responsibility for those things that you should be responsible for, while you could claim credit for the great achievements that you had nothing to do with! And all the while, you could continue posing as the champion of the downtrodden and the dispossessed!
And for you, Mr. and Mrs. America of Main St. USA, there will be no dispensations, waivers and exceptions! After all, you are not of the favored political classes, not Wall Street magnates, political donors to leftist causes, labor leaders nor members of the government. You, Mr. and Mrs. America, must pay and pay and pay, for you, of course, are the cause of the desperate plight of the Medicaiders, Obamaphoners, ADCers WICers and food-stampers.
And so, dear readers, with those cheery thoughts I shall leave you with some Seuss-like limericks:
And for you, Mr. and Mrs. America of Main St. USA, there will be no dispensations, waivers and exceptions! After all, you are not of the favored political classes, not Wall Street magnates, political donors to leftist causes, labor leaders nor members of the government. You, Mr. and Mrs. America, must pay and pay and pay, for you, of course, are the cause of the desperate plight of the Medicaiders, Obamaphoners, ADCers WICers and food-stampers.
And so, dear readers, with those cheery thoughts I shall leave you with some Seuss-like limericks:
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From "The Grinch," by Bish
Deo vindice!
God bless Texas, and may the Lone Star State remain forever red!
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