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Love is a word that calls forth many things in many minds. Certainly, love is not passive. By its very nature, it is demanding. St. Paul's definition spans a tremendous assortment of characteristics, as he declared, "Love is always patient and kind; love is never jealous; love is not boastful or conceited, it is never rude and never seeks its own advantage; it does not take offense or store up grievances. Love does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but finds its joy in the truth. It is always ready to make allowances, to trust, to hope and to endure what comes."
Be that as it may, the words of Jesus carried even more profound depth when he called upon his followers to love one another. We may indeed endure what comes, but to imagine that Christ would wish his followers to do so in a passive manner strains one's credulity.
A Christian loving presence would also include protection, support, sympathy, sharing, commitment and encouragement. And God knows how very much Christians throughout the world are in need of this kind of love from their fellows in the the lands where Christians are now being actively persecuted.
Most American Christians have no idea that 85 of their coreligionists fell victim to a suicide bomber on September 23 in Peshawar, Pakistan, for such news rarely or ever is covered by the leftist-controlled major media outlets. And neither, apparently, does the U.S. Department of State feel that any effort should be expended in speaking up for beleaguered Christian minorities in Muslim countries.
In Karachi, Pakistan's largest city, Taliban-inspired attacks on the tiny Christian population are a daily occurrence, as efforts to impose Sharia law take on renewed emphasis. And, despite Christian pleas for protection, Pakistani law enforcement continues to turn a deaf ear. Consequently, Christian shop-owners, workers and others going about their daily routines are subject to murder, extortion, kidnapping and rape from Muslim extremists.
In such a setting, it should not be forgotten that religious minorities are virtually helpless, as their government is unwilling to afford them any sort of defense. In effect, those Christians among their numbers are martyrs for the Faith, daily undergoing persecution that would rival that of believers in the early Church.
Keeping in mind that Islam is living in its 15th century, it perhaps is more understandable how countries such as the "Islamic Republic of Pakistan" can pass and impose blasphemy laws on their populations. A case in point is that of Asia Bibi who, after her conviction in a Pakistani court for blaspheming Islam because she testified of her love for Jesus, has spent years languishing in prison. Asia Bibi continues to be subject to mistreatment, malnutrition and separation from her family; but, still, she remains strong in her faith.
Strangely, a U.S. government which prides itself on promoting individual rights, freedom and equality on the international scene is largely ineffective or silent in speaking up for Christians. But what can be expected in a country which more and more is witnessing the erosion of Christian values from its society as its government runs rough shod over religious freedom in many of its official undertakings?
At the same time, Washington appears to be doing all that it can to promote more Muslim immigration to the United States. For example, the Muslim component of those entering the country as "political refugees" is now up to 40%, virtually all of whom are eligible for Medicaid, food stamps, public housing, disability insurance, child care, Obamaphones, home energy assistance, post-secondary education assistance and much, much more. And, all the while, Asia Bibi whiles away her time in a dirty Pakistani prison.
As Christians, we should never miss the opportunity to excoriate our public servants who forget that this was once a Christian nation that cared about persecuted Christians abroad. Yes, and we should demand that our government put teeth into its resolutions to support persecuted religious minorities. Countries such as Pakistan should be put on notice that their failure to protect Christians and other minorities will cost them in terms of foreign aid. And, our feckless representation in the U.N. must be made to continuously cry out to the international community that religious persecution is evil and insupportable.
And, on this Sunday in October 2013, let us pray for Asia Bibi and all Christians throughout the world who pay a terrible price for their strong faith. We could also send hope to Asia through letters expressing our LOVE. Asia's prison address may be obtained through Voice of the Martyrs at:
And, last but not least, the Pakistani embassy in Washington needs to know of the displeasure of American Christians who condemn that country's 15th century religious policies:
Deo vindice!
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