Monday, November 25, 2013



At an early age, I was warned about "small minds in big suits," or, to phrase it more prosaically, smooth operators whose overriding concern is their own elevated place in their own little interpretations of history.  It is now all too apparent that my own country is now under the thumb of such individuals.

With a president who in his entire life has never "run" anything, not so much even as an organization in which there are lines of responsibility leading to genuine oversight, we now have a foreign policy based on hope and not on "realpolitik."  Given this man's lack of practical education, it is probably safe to say that he has never heard of Metternich, or, for that matter, any other major figure from diplomatic history.

As a "community organizer," it is not clear what our president ever organized.  As a state legislator in Illinois, on most occasions, he simply showed up and voted "present."  As a U.S. senator, he filled a seat and added little or nothing to effective dialogue.  As an Ivy League undergraduate, there is no indication that the young Barack Hussein Obama ever wrote a senior thesis.  And, as the editor of the law review at Harvard Law, apparently he never wrote one scholarly article.  In other words, he just showed up.

As for our secretary of state, he has done nothing but involve himself in government from the time he left the Navy during the Vietnam era. His greatest achievement, perhaps, is that he married the heiress to the Heinz fortune.  The man typifies the Obama administration inasmuch as he has had virtually no experience in the private sector.  His arrogance bespeaks his inadequacy for the post that he now occupies.  In many, many ways, he is one who has just been showing up for too long.

In the midst of the disaster of Obamacare, it is revealing that, quite suddenly, we now have a preliminary agreement with the outlaw state of Iran, an agreement in which the small minds in big suits have "given away the store" and stabbed Israel in the back.  We are now to believe that, as we loosen the sanctions against Iran, this country, noted for its widespread network of terrorism, will mellow into a Middle East pussycat.  Missing in this agreement are brakes on continued uranium enrichment and valid international surveillance of the Iranian nuclear program.  But somehow, we are supposed to believe that the Obama foreign policy which has taken us from failure to failure in Egypt and Syria will somehow carry the day and make Iran a partner for peace. From this quarter, what has been accomplished between Rouhani and Kerry only makes it more likely that there will be war in the Middle East.

Mr. Rouhani, after the announcement of the agreement, crowed that his nation's nuclear rights had been recognized.  And this only underlines that the Iranian capacity for carrying on with the enrichment of uranium has been in no way diminished.  Furthermore, we are to believe that Iran will maintain only 50% of its uranium stock, with verification coming only from some sort of surveillance cameras.  In return, not only are the sanctions being loosened, but several billion dollars of capital are being freed up for the Mullahs.  With so many lies in its past - and we suspect that Obama and Kerry have never heard of the Islamic practice of "taqiyyah" - those in their right minds, it would seem, would never trust the overlords of Hezbollah to make good on what we in the West call promises.

If it is true that our president weaseled a promise out of Benjamin Netanyahu not to take preemptive action against Iran, then Israel has been boxed in diplomatically.  This is the real tragedy of this mess.  We continue to treat our best ally in the region as a "red-headed stepchild,"
while others such as Saudi Arabia look on with ever growing disrespect for the weakness of the small minds in big suits.  And, all the while, Iran continues to spread its tentacles into the Shiite dominant Malaki regime in Iraq.

As the fiasco of Obamacare continues to fester, more distractions are likely.  And, like the preliminary agreement with Iran, they will likely be undertaken at great loss to the United States.  But, this is the way of small minds in big suits.  They cannot see beyond the scope of their own legacies and false pride.  And it should not be forgotten that being president means far more than just showing up.

Deo vindice!

God bless Texas, and may the Lone Star State remain forever red!

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