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Somalia, you might recall, is that wretched, predominantly Muslim land of 10 million, located on the Horn of Africa, which has been a failed state since the 1990's. As such, it represented a major setback in President Bill Clinton's stab at "nation building."

If your knowledge about the place is a little on the sparse side, maybe you'll recall a 2001 movie, "Black Hawk Down," which recounted American involvement in a U.N. effort in 1993 to alleviate the conditions of civil war and famine in Somalia that brought on the deaths of 300,000. The plot revolved around an American force on a failed mission to capture a Somali warlord and his major advisers, which ultimately cost 19 American lives.
With Somalis in Africa living on a per capita annual basis of slightly less than $600.00, it is little wonder that there has been widespread immigration to Europe and America. Consequently, Somali communities abroad have grown and have lent themselves to the overall growth of Muslim populations.
In the United States, Somali Muslims have been especially assertive in demanding recognition for Islam. In 2007, approximately 700 Somali taxi-drivers who served the Minneapolis airport refused - on religious grounds, of course - to transport individuals with guide-dogs and anyone carrying alcoholic beverages. In the following year, 2008, Somali meat-packers in Colorado and Nebraska began demanding that American paid holidays be replaced by Muslim holidays. And, in Tennessee, Eid-al-Fitr became an option to Labor Day in Tyson plants. Gradually, because of ICE enforcement, Somali meat packing labor began to replace Latinos, who do not enjoy the protected refugee status granted to the east African Muslims. More recently, Mission Foods, an Hispanic food processing company known for its tortillas, has had its hands full with an EEOC complaint lodged by Somali women employees who consider the Mission dress code an insult to Islam.
Dear readers, this is nothing short of ridiculous! As one who survived six years working in a Muslim country, I would never have dreamed of throwing my weight around in an attempt to change an Islamic holiday to an American or a Christian holiday! And, had I been so pushy to do so, I would have immediately been afforded a one-way ticket home. I can only ask, just how long are we going to tolerate these ridiculous situations? Is our culture now so politically-correct, puny and pathetic that we can no longer expect any sort of assimilation from Muslim immigrants?
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Americans, have you not had enough? Why are we allowing "political refugees" into the country who obviously have a strong propensity to engage in activities to undermine our society? Do these Somalis not know that this country has been at war with al-Qaeda? Have they never heard of 9/11? Do they take us for morons?
Please remember, dear readers, that the Muslim mind is essentially a 15th century mind. Indeed, there have been many Muslims who have responded positively to the challenges of living in a modern world. Nevertheless, that does not obviate the fact that, for the great Islamic mass that has no knowledge of a Renaissance, a Reformation or an Enlightenment in its past, assimilation into a 21st century Western environment is a test that they cannot pass. Until those who shape our immigration law become educated enough to release this, I fear that we are destined for more and more such situations involving Muslims whose ignorance condemns them to throw themselves into a pseudo religious fray against the societies which have sheltered and provided them with opportunities for advancement.
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