Thursday, May 2, 2013


Attorney  General
Holder recently stated that he hoped that Americans would not "stigmatize" Islam.  Upon closer consideration, however, perhaps our nation's highest law enforcement official might want to conclude that, despite what Americans might say or do, Muslims do a pretty fair job of stigmatizing themselves.

A case in point are 
the findings that were recently released from surveys done throughout the Muslim world by the Pew Research Forum.  If you are not shocked by what you see on this page and by the Pew findings, then, for the life of me, I do not know what could possibly awaken you to  the perils faced by this society.

One would pretty 
much expect that Sharia law would be at the top of the hit parade for Muslims, but the percentages of interviewees expressing approval of execution for backsliders and apostates are pretty astounding for people living in the 21st century.  To my eyes, these findings show a deep and profound potential for violence and mayhem.

No wonder, then, 
there are Muslims inclined to participate in honor killings. Of course, Muslim apologists will say that the practice is tribal rather than religious, and that it absolutely has nothing to do with Islam.  But, a glaring fact stands out:   that incidents of this barbarism remain confined to Muslim communities around the world.  In Pakistan, 900 of these killings occur each year; and, even in the United Kingdom, the director of the Crown Prosecution Services expects to see at least 12 honor killings annually.  And, yes dear readers, honor-killings have taken place in Texas.

Honor-killing is here, and it is here now. Isn't it about time, my fellow-Americans, that we get the word out that we do not want this type of craziness from inferior cultures imported into our own country?  Maybe we could begin by informing all potential immigrants  that, if  they can't live without:

1. Sharia
2. Halal-killed food
3. Polygamy
4. Honor killing
5. Societal approval of suicide-bombers
6. Islamic family-law judges
7. Stoning

Then, just maybe, rather than "Comin to the USA," it might be a good idea to stay home, where all of the above are readily available!  

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