If it is true that one can learn from the mistakes of others, then now is the time to look toward Europe, for increasingly Americans are treading the path of accommodation of Muslim immigration so disastrously taken in western Europe.
From 1992 through 2012, 1.7 million Muslim immigrants entered the United States, most of them coming from Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia. In 1992, the number of Muslims legally immigrating numbered 50,000, while in 2012 fully 100,000 arrived. Combined with current totals of Muslims residing in the U.S. and the geometric Muslim birthrate, these numbers suggest that the overall population of U.S. Muslims should double in 17 years to nearly 10 million.
For Americans concerned about the future, a case study could very well be Denmark, a small, prosperous Scandinavian country, with a population of nearly 6,000,000 and boasting a per capita GDP of slightly over $56,000 U.S. Danes have for long been noted for their liberal socialistic governments, and their sympathy for the world's downtrodden perhaps explains their liberal policies on admitting "political refugees" into their society.
Currently the Danish Muslim population is between 4.5% and 5% of the total population, which means approximately 250,00 Muslims live in Denmark. However, if current demographic projections hold, that population should double in the next 10 years. And that fact alone underlines that there are big economic and budgetary problems in store for the Danish government.
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Despite their relatively small percentage of total population, Danish Muslims account for 40% of welfare expenditures; 50% of convicted rapists; and,70% of all crimes in Copenhagen. A particularly salient point is that 67% of Muslim students who have matriculated in Denmark for 10 years are not even functional in the Danish language.
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In 2008, a young Danish psychologist/social worker, Nicolai Sennels who had been practicing his profession with youthful Muslim offenders imprisoned in the Copenhagen municipality, lost his job for referring to "criminal Muslims," rather than using the politically correct, government- preferred term "criminal foreigners." Sennels' experience in the Danish prison system became the basis for a book published in 2010, Among Criminal Muslims: A Psychologist's Experience from the Copenhagen Municipality.
Before working in prison, Sennels was totally unaware that 70% of offenders in juvenile prison facilities in Denmark were from Muslim families. Eventually, his background in psychology allowed him to proceed to decisive conclusions in comparing the Muslim mind to the Western psyche.
Missing in the Muslim experience of socialization is emphasis on free will and motivation, which has traditionally been decisive in expanding individual horizons in the West. Regrettably for young Muslims, this deficiency translates into aggressive behavior and criminal tendencies.
Those who identify strongly with Islam are far more likely to show anger in such a way as being disruptive, in comparison to the Western world view, which regards outbursts of anger and aggression as negatives in an orderly society. Those Muslims, for example, who do not demonstrate anger and aggression when criticized lose standing in the Muslim world. Events which have sparked Muslim violence and aggression are widespread in recent experience, such as the Mohamed cartoons, Dutch criticism of genital mutilation, the Rushdie fatwas, etc. It would be, perhaps, normal for most school children encountering gratuitous aggression and violence to put down such behavior with humor and logic; but, alas; Western politicians do seem to have the courage to so act. However, at this point, humor and logic would most likely have no effect on the extremism that seems to fuel the world Muslim resurgence.
In Muslim societies, an aggressive response to any development or event causing insecurity is considered "honorable." While such an interpretation of honor could possibly lead to criminal charges in the West, the average European or American is more likely to consider maturity and even social status as coming from the ability to deal with constructive criticism. Accordingly, self-introspection is virtually missing in Muslim societies, which place overwhelming stress on placating a vengeful Allah and conforming to cultural expectations stemming therefrom.
David Riesman, et. al., utilized the terms inner-directed and other-directed in the seminal work The Lonely Crowd. Sennels points out that Muslim societies are far more likely to produce "outer-directed" individuals, whose sense of well-being is dependent on approval by external authorities, such as imams, fathers, cultural assumptions and an almighty Allah. Recognizing this, it is understandable how Muslims are led to perceive threats emanating from non-Muslims espousing self-determination and liberty, and how viewing a display such values might lead to a paranoia that anti-Muslim conspiracies are forming around every corner.
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In summary, Sennels' outstanding work presents a xenophobic picture of Islam and its adherents. Certainly, readers will understand that, seeking to add to the Western cultural mix elements of a religion which are in total opposition to Western values, European and American politicians (with a consciousness honed on the enslaving tenets of political correctness and multiculturalism), have needlessly exposed their citizens to dangers and vicissitudes which will continue to multiply if Muslim immigration proceeds unabated. WILL WE EVER LEARN?
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