Tuesday, May 28, 2013


ARNOLD TOYNBEE (1889 - 1975)

After further reflection on Nicolai Sennels' work, Among Criminal Muslims: A Psychologist's Experience from the Copenhagen Municipality, I recently began thinking back on my own experience of having lived for six years in a Muslim country, during which my cultural assumptions were tested nearly every day.  Sennels makes a valid point that cultural integration is a challenge of the first order; and, in my case, my host country viewed me as simply a glorified hired-hand, and had no desire for me to  undergo any sort of integration to facilitate
 a permanent stay.  Nevertheless,   the daily  challenges of life were significant.

For poorly educated individuals coming from what are essentially 15th century tribal societies nurtured in Islam, entering a 21st century Western culture where there are expectations of integration and even assimilation, the challenges are well nigh impossible to meet.  As Sennels relates, what has happened in Denmark is that immigrants have tended to seek validation by massing in ghettos with their coreligionists, resisting integration and taking comfort in maintaining their own traditions, while insisting that the way of Islam is advanced far beyond all other faiths and ways of life.  In other words, the host culture  must change to acknowledge the superiority of Islam.

Viewing political correctness and multiculturalism as organized forms of leftist cowardice expressive of a desire to totally transform Western culture, Sennels sees continued accommodation of Muslims in the West as suicidal, inasmuch as the contrary nature of Islam does not accept compromise.  Consequently, it follows that the current course will ultimately lead to decreased freedom and the loss of individual rights in the West.

The British Historian Arnold Toynbee was sufficiently discerning in his analysis of societal decline to define the root cause of decay as moral decline.  Indeed, the recurring theme throughout his 10 volume A Study of History is that moral decline precedes the unwillingness or inability to meet new and novel challenges by a civilization's creative minority. The result will be degeneration and fatal weakening, producing eventually an abandonment of commitment by components that formerly had held the civilization together.

Toynbee also referred to an "external proletariat,"  made up of masses of individuals resentful of but  living beyond the pall of a declining civilization, and covetous of the civilization's achievements.  If not checked, these masses will be instrumental in the final process of decay, effectively dismembering the carcass of a dying civilization.

And here we arrive at the 21st century, characterized by politicians in the West who hesitate to even pronounce their societies "exceptional."  Instead, the new leftist leaders of the West, beset by bogus guilt engendered by an academic and intellectual elite dedicated to the destruction of capitalism, liberty, freedom,  and the individual, have taken it upon themselves to unleash an external proletariat into our very midst.  Yes, the microbes of death and collapse are dividing and multiplying, all in the name of multiculturalism and political correctness.  Will those of us who call ourselves Westerners be able to supply from our core values the antidote to the disease of Muslim immigration?


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