Daily throughout the world, millions of Christians risk life and limb simply by bearing witness to their faith. Along with the physical danger, religious minorities - primarily in countries ruled by Muslim regimes - suffer discrimination in education and employment. At the same time, churches are regularly attacked and burned, and many Christian women are reluctant to move about freely for fear of being abducted by Muslim thugs.
Only, 50,000 Christians from a total population of 4,000,000 are left in the Palestinian territories.Christians are escaping in increasing numbers from Bethlehem, where 50 years ago they made up more than 65% of the population, but now account for less than 15%. Since the 2011 Egyptian uprising, Coptic Christians have been straining the lines at Western embassies in Cairo, hoping to obtain visas to leave. 200,000 have left Egypt, and thousands more are hoping to join them. Iraq before the 2nd gulf war had more than 1,000,000 Christians, but that population has been reduced to less than 400,000. Owing to the pressures of Islamization in Gaza, there are barely 1,000 Christians remaining. In Pakistan, Christians are barred from holding high executive and judicial office; and, since 1990, 65 Christians have been executed for" blasphemy." With slightly more than 100,000 Christians left in Iran, government sanctions make their lot extremely hard, and the full weight of the state comes down on any Muslims who dare convert to Islam. And in Afghanistan, a land where more than 2,000 Americans have lost their lives and more than 600-billion U.S.-taxpayer-provided dollars have been expended, the Afghan constitution calls for the death penalty for anyone converting to Christianity.
In effect, while Christian communities are being hollowed out throughout more and more countries where Islam holds sway, Muslim populations are rising precipitously in the West. For example, nearly 5,000,000 Muslims now reside in the U.S., and 50,000,000 Muslims have settled throughout Europe.
With a significant Muslim population of 6,000,000 in France, more than 60% of French citizens, in a 2012 survey by
Le Figaro, viewed Islam as being "too visible and influential" in their country. And 68% saw Muslims unwilling to integrate into French society as a major problem. In some suburbs of Paris, most women out shopping wear veils for fear of the Muslim "moral police."
In Scandinavia, 68% of all rapes in Denmark are committed by an ethnic minority, and in the socialist paradise of Sweden, 75% of people are of the opinion that most people dislike Muslims.
In many European countries, Muslims have not bettered their public image by demanding special privileges at municipal parks, hospitals and swimming pools. Also, the surfacing of practices such as honor-killings, genital mutilation and forced marriages convince more and more Europeans that Muslims do not readily share values that would enable them to integrate into society.
In Switzerland, where Muslims are only 4% of the population, a blustery and pushy outcry erupted in 2012 by Muslims objecting to the Swissair logo, which is similar to the Swiss flag, featuring a white cross on a red background and the slogan "The Cross is an Advantage." Despite Muslim assertions that the slogan is an offense against Islam, Swissair has emphatically stated that no religious inference is intended.
Perhaps as a symptom of its rot and decay, the dead hand of the politically- correct socialism prevailing in the West gives the impression that it much prefers conciliation and capitulation in its dealings with an aggressive Islam. Acordingly, history may well show us that Islam was able to achieve what it failed to pull off at Lepanto in 1571 and at Vienna in 1529 and 1683 through a geometically expanding birthrate combined with a stealthy exploitation of an irrational Western penchant for "diversity" and impartiality . In the meantime, let us fervently pray for our beleaguered Christian brothers and sisters in Muslim lands
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